Frequently Asked Questions

We understand you have questions. 

This may be the first time you’ve hired a company to build or look after your website, or you may have had a bad experience with a website developer in the past.

Either way we know you probably want to know as much as possible about what’s involved and how much it’s going to cost.

So we’ve done our best to answer all of the questions we’re asked the most below.

If you have a question that’s not covered here, just get in touch and we’ll do our best to answer it.

How much does a website cost?

That depends what kind of website you need. When your business is just starting out you may build a website yourself or pay someone else a small amount to get a simple site up and running for you.

Most of our clients have been in business a while though and already have a website that’s not working as well as they’d like. 

We specialise in redesigning old and out of date websites to help your business better connect with your target customers – the kind of people who are interested in what you do and the services you provide.

These website redesign projects start from £3,995 + VAT.

Why do you charge more than some other web designers?

We have a process which we’ve developed over our 10+ years in the web design industry which means we’re good at what we do and we know how to deliver a website which will work for your business.

Our websites don’t just look pretty, they’re designed to achieve a result – to attract and build trust with your ideal customers, and convert more of these visitors into leads and sales.

You can read more about how we design and build your website here.

We’ll also give you a 30 day guarantee when your site goes live and your first month of WebsiteCare after your launch is always free.

Why do you charge less than some other web designers?

We’re a very small team (although we have big ideas), so you’re not paying for our fancy offices, our 10 staff members or our foosball table.

That means we can charge less than a lot of web design agencies while still giving you the same top quality service and expert advice that comes from 10+ years in the web design business.

How long does it take to build a website?

We recently put together an in-depth article which covers the subject of how long it will take to build your website.

The short answer is: you could be ready to launch in 8-10 weeks, or it might take several months longer.

It will take less time if you can provide us with everything we need from you straight away. On the other hand, it will take longer if we’re waiting for you to send us text and images or give your approval at key stages of the project.

How does the process work and what do you need from me?

You can read all about our web design process and how it works in this simple guide on how we design and build your website.

This 4 phase process which we’ve refined over the last 5 years is how we plan and develop every new website.

We start with discovery & planning (aka the most important phase of any project) to establish the aims and objectives of your new website, evaluate your competitors and build a plan for success.

Once you’re happy with this we’ll move on to the fun bit – designing, building & launching your new site.

To ensure your project is a success, we’ll need a certain amount of time and commitment from you – we’ll need you to answer a lot of questions about your business at the beginning so that we can get a clear picture of what your business needs are and how we can deliver a website that will really work for you. 

We’ll also need your input along the way and your feedback and approval at key stages of the project.

How do I know what should be on my website?

We’ll run through a discovery workshop with you as part of the first stage of the project and this will give us a good idea of who your clients are and who you’re looking to get more of. We’ll also take an in depth look at the websites of your top 3 competitors to see who they’re targeting and the content they include as part of the planning and discovery stage.

All of this work will help us to establish exactly what content you’ll need to include on your website to make your business stand out to your potential customers.

You can read all about our web design process and how it works here.

Do I need to write all my own content?

Once we’ve established what content your website needs to include, you have two options:

Either you can write the content yourself (in our experience, this is the number one cause of delays in most website projects).

The other option is for you to provide us with a bullet point overview of the content needed for each page, then we’ll have one of our approved content writers write up your notes into engaging, customer focused copy for your website.

This option usually adds approx. £150 + VAT per page to the cost of the website build (depending on the length and complexity of the pages).

I don’t have any images for the website. Can you help with this?

Yes, we can either arrange for a photographer to come and take the pictures for your website (this option starts at around £350 + VAT per half day), or we can help you choose stock images from a stock image website and bill you for these accordingly (costs for stock images start at around £5 + VAT per image).

I want a website like X. Can you just copy this design for my new website?

No, unfortunately not. We design and build websites which help to showcase and promote your business in the right way, and copying someone else’s website wholesale is a surefire way to lose trust and credibility with your clients and competitors alike!

We do always look at the websites of the leading companies in your industry though and evaluate what about those sites work and what ideas could be used and improved upon as part of the initial discovery and planning stage. 

If there are parts of the design of other sites you like we can also take inspiration from these and this will also be covered as part of the planning and discovery stage.

Do I need an ongoing maintenance plan once the website has been launched?

Yes! You’ll need to invest time, effort and money to make sure your website is successful and part of this is making sure your site is well maintained. Our WebsiteCare plans start at £95 /month and we’ll help you pick a plan that works for you so your website continues to run smoothly & securely for the long term.

I think my website just needs a few tweaks - can you do that instead of a full redesign?

Yes we can, BUT we only carry out website updates and changes for clients who are subscribed to one of our regular WebsiteCare plans

Having a care plan for your website means you can be confident that your website is well looked after and protected, and it also means we can focus on helping you improve your website with any changes over the long term.

I'm an in-house marketer - can you provide me with website help & support?

Yes absolutely! We love working with in-house marketers to provide website help and support.

We can add value by providing support and training, researching technical solutions and helping you implement new ideas on your site.

We can also provide feedback on your current site and how it relates to your audience and goals to help you to keep moving forward every month.

Just get in touch and we can put together a WebsiteCare plan that works for the level of support you need.

Who hosts my website?

If you subscribe to one of our WebsiteCare plans, we’ll host the website for you as part of your monthly package. This means that we’ll handle all the technical stuff for you and make sure the website is always online and available to your potential customers. 

You own the site though, so if you’d ever like to transfer the website to your own host and manage this yourself that’s fine.

Can you register my domain?

Yes we can register your domain and send you a bill at every renewal (usually 2 years).

You will own the domain though so we’ll register it using your name & address.

This costs:

£75 + VAT (every 2 years) for domains.
£95 + VAT (every 2 years) for .com domains.

Get in touch now to book your free consultation.

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VAT: 307 6421 19

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